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03. Mengatasi Masalah Swicth Gear dengan Konduktor Grease yang tepat
Solusi Industri

Switchgear Problem

Switchgear is an electrical equipment unit capable of disconnecting or connecting electrical circuits under both normal and abnormal conditions to ensure the reliability of the power service system. Issues with switchgear Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Coal Yard dan Solusinya
Solusi IndustriGeothermal

Coal Yard

Coal yards in the geothermal power generation industry are storage areas for coal used as supplemental fuel in some geothermal power plant operations. Coal yards are designed to safely store coal, Baca Selengkapnya
04. Problem Tangan Kotor & Solusi Praktisnya
Solusi Industri

Cleaning Dirty Hands

Dirty hands from exposure to crude oil or grease are a common problem faced by oil and gas workers, especially those in maintenance and drilling. Washing hands with solvents can be Baca Selengkapnya
8. Mengatasi masalah bakteri dan jamur pada coolant
Solusi Industri

Dealing with Bacteria & Fungi

Metalworking fluid or coolant for CNC machines that has been contaminated by tramp oil, as shown in the image above, must be cleaned immediately. If not, bacterial problems will arise, causing Baca Selengkapnya
15. Menurunkan Reject Rate pada proses honing
Solusi Industri

Reducing Reject Rate in the Honing Process

One of the renowned motorcycle manufacturers is facing a problem in the honing process. NG/Reject in the form of scratches is often found on the Cylinder Compression Head component, which is Baca Selengkapnya
05. Over heat di genset
Solusi Industri

Overheating Generator Set

In the oil & gas industry, generator sets (gensets) are used as the main electricity supply for drilling and production operations. Given their crucial role, it is essential to maintain them Baca Selengkapnya
Coal crushing dan mine stock yard batu bara
Solusi IndustriCoal Mining

Mine Stock Yard & Coal Crushing

A coal mine stock yard is an area within a mining operation designated for storing and organizing coal materials before processing or shipment. This helps manage inventory, ensure material availability, and Baca Selengkapnya
problem painting dan solusinya
Solusi IndustriAutomotive


Painting in the automotive industry is a crucial process to provide finishing and protection to vehicle surfaces. This process begins with surface preparation, which includes rust removal, sanding, and primer application Baca Selengkapnya
05. Fin cooler pembangkit
Solusi Industri

Deposits on Fin Coolers

A common problem in the installation of air fin coolers in power plants such as gas turbine power plants (PLTG) or gas engine power plants (PLMG) is the presence of deposits Baca Selengkapnya
Problem engine assembly
Solusi IndustriAutomotive

Engine Assembly

Engine assembly in the automotive industry is the process of assembling various engine components into a single unit to ensure it functions perfectly. This stage includes the installation of main parts Baca Selengkapnya
03. Teknologi Premium Connection Pada Industri Pipa Guna Membantu Meningkatkan Kualitas dan Efek Ramah Lingkungan
Solusi Industri

Pipe Connection Problems

OCTG pipe connections generally use dope (pipe cap) and thread compound (lubricant for pipe threads). The oil and gas industry typically uses API modified thread compound, which contains 60% of a Baca Selengkapnya
04. CIP dan Sanitasi
Solusi Industri

Effective CIP and Sanitation

Clean in Place (CIP) is a program for cleaning the interior surfaces of production equipment without dismantling the installed system. This automated cleaning method is commonly used in the food and Baca Selengkapnya
01. Problem Seal Disk Mesin Capping & Solusinya-Artikel
Solusi Industri

Deposit on Seal Disc

This is the filling machine used to fill mineral water into cups. The process runs automatically using a heating sealing method up to 210°C. This machine has a seal disc made Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Stearing Assembly
Solusi IndustriAutomotive

Stearing Assembly

The steering assembly in the automotive industry is the process of assembling the steering system, which allows the driver to direct the vehicle with precision and good control. This process includes Baca Selengkapnya
01. Problem Debu Batu Bara & Solusinya
Solusi Industri

Coal Dust

Coal dust (fine coal) needs to be controlled in quantity to ensure it is not hazardous to the environment and workers. Several issues such as dust-related diseases like pneumoconiosis arise from Baca Selengkapnya
03. Solusi Anti Karat Untuk Pengiriman via Laut
Solusi Industri

Safe Sea Shipping

Corrosion or rust on parts is a significant issue that automotive component manufacturers must anticipate, especially for long-duration sea shipments. The common problems associated with anti-corrosion measures typically include their consumption, Baca Selengkapnya
Clinkerization Process
Solusi IndustriCement

Clinkerization Process

The clinkerization process in the cement industry is a crucial stage in cement production where raw materials such as limestone, clay, and other substances are heated in a kiln at very Baca Selengkapnya
Bottle Washing, Filling & Capping Integrated Machines
Solusi IndustriBeverage

Bottle Washing, Filling & Capping Integrated Machines

This machine combines three main processes: bottle washing, filling, and capping. It is highly beneficial in the beverage industry for ensuring efficient, hygienic, and consistent packaging processes. The main advantages of Baca Selengkapnya
Pembersihan Fuel Tank 2
Solusi Industri

Bacteria in the Tank

Various industries in Indonesia have adopted the use of B30 fuel in accordance with government policies. B30 is a diesel fuel blend consisting of 30% vegetable oil and 70% petroleum diesel. Baca Selengkapnya
01. Mengurangi Downtime Equipmentcle.eonchemicals.com
Solusi Industri

Trivial Matters Leading to Diesel Engine Radiator Coolant Failure

Radiator coolant products for diesel engines in the mining industry play a very vital role for heavy-duty engine units. This product functions to absorb heat in the engine’s cooling system. If Baca Selengkapnya
01. Membersihkan Panel Tanpa Harus Offline
Solusi Industri

Cleaning Electrical Panels

In the power plant industry, there are electrical panels used for distributing electrical energy to consumers. An electrical panel is a square container where various electrical components or equipment are installed. Baca Selengkapnya
07. Problem Coating Kapal & Solusinya-Finish Sunting
Solusi Industri

Ship Coating Problems

Ships that are constantly in highly corrosive marine environments require maintenance to ensure they remain operational. Onboard maintenance refers to the upkeep performed while the ship is at sea. One of Baca Selengkapnya
18. Merawat dan membersihkan kepala battery accu kendaraan
Solusi Industri

Corroded Battery Terminals

Have you ever experienced the following problems? The vehicle engine is hard to start The battery indicator light on the dashboard is always on The battery quickly deteriorates One of the Baca Selengkapnya
02. Solusi Hotspot pada transmisi tegangan tinggi
Solusi Industri

High Voltage Transmission Hotspots

One common problem encountered in high voltage transmission units is the appearance of hotspots on high voltage transmission lines. This phenomenon occurs due to an increase in either the electrical current Baca Selengkapnya