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02. Problem Stoppage Mark & Solusinya (1)
Solusi Industri

Stoppage Mark Problem

The pickling line process in the steel industry aims to remove stubborn contaminants from the surface of metal strips. This process involves immersing the strips in strong acid (HCl), rinsing, and Baca Selengkapnya
milling raw material industri semen
Solusi IndustriCement

Milling Raw Material

Milling raw material in the cement industry refers to the process of grinding raw materials such as limestone, clay, sand, and other minerals into a fine powder called raw meal. This Baca Selengkapnya
7. Recycling coolant di industri disc break
Solusi Industri

Recycling Coolant

Recycling coolant using this simple method is highly economical and easy to implement. Successful recycling can significantly reduce the costs associated with using coolant/metalworking fluids. This program is one of Eonchemicals’ Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Kapal Kontainer / Cargo
Solusi IndustriMaritime

Container / Cargo Ship

A type of ship designed to transport cargo in the form of containers, which are neatly arranged and organized for shipping efficiency. Equipped with cranes for loading and unloading containers, as Baca Selengkapnya
05. Penggunaan Autolube di Area Fixed plant sebagai Inovasi baru di Dunia Tambang
Solusi Industri

Manual Lubrication

If you are still using a manual lubrication system, here are some problems and disadvantages: Inefficient lubrication Uncontrolled use of grease lubricant Unsafe for hard-to-reach and high positions Grease control requires Baca Selengkapnya
Pewarna Minyak Solar EonFuel C710, Solusi untuk Antisipasi Kejahatan 1
Solusi Industri

Diesel Theft

Let’s prevent the highly detrimental theft and smuggling of diesel fuel with this diesel fuel dye! Yes, diesel fuel and other diesel fuels such as Pertamina DEX are vital needs for Baca Selengkapnya
14. Cara mengatasi masalah pada penggunaan Neat oil
Solusi Industri

Addressing Straight Oil Problems

Straight oil is a type of metalworking fluid or pure lubricant oil (100% oil) used without mixing with water or other solvents. This lubricant is also known as neat oil or Baca Selengkapnya
Solusi IndustriCement

Quarrying Limestone

Quarrying limestone for the cement industry involves the process of extracting limestone from open-pit mines (quarries). This process begins with drilling and blasting to break large rocks into smaller sizes. The Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Ship Maintenance dan Solusi EON
Solusi IndustriMaritime

Ship Maintenance

Ship maintenance is a crucial process involving routine inspections, repairs, and component replacements to ensure that the vessel operates safely and efficiently. Ship maintenance is key to avoiding costly downtime and Baca Selengkapnya
01. Problem Scale & Solusi Chemical yang Tidak Korosif-Finish Sunting
Solusi Industri

Corrosive Scale Remover

Scale or deposits are common issues faced in the oil and gas industry, typically occurring in wells with high water cut. The presence of scale disrupts the transportation of liquid fluids, Baca Selengkapnya
11. Mengatasi masalah busa pada coolant
Solusi Industri

Foaming in Metalworking

Foam or froth consists of small bubbles formed on the surface of a liquid. The presence of foam or foaming in metalworking fluids can be a serious issue. Foaming disrupts the Baca Selengkapnya
02. Menjaga Ulir Pipa dari Karat Selama Penyimpanan (1)
Solusi Industri

Rusted Pipe Threads

In addition to thread defects during the production process, thread corrosion is also one of the main reasons pipes are rejected during inspection. The threaded section of the pipe is highly Baca Selengkapnya
pasteurise coconut milk
Solusi IndustriFood

Pasteurize | Coconut Milk

Pasteurization is a heating process used in the food industry to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from products like coconut milk. This process involves rapid heating to a specific temperature, usually around 70-80 Baca Selengkapnya
01. Problem Seal Disk Mesin Capping & Solusinya-Artikel
Solusi Industri

Deposit on Seal Disc

This is the filling machine used to fill mineral water into cups. The process runs automatically using a heating sealing method up to 210°C. This machine has a seal disc made Baca Selengkapnya
Coal conveyor pada tambang batu bara
Solusi IndustriCoal Mining

Coal Mine Conveyor

A conveyor in the coal industry is a mechanical system used to transport coal from one location to another during the mining and processing stages. This system consists of a belt Baca Selengkapnya
17. Mengatasi Masalah Sludge yang Mengeras dan Karat Pada Mesin Grinding
Solusi Industri

Sludge and Rust

One of our customers encountered two issues: hardened sludge and frequent rusting of the machines used in surface grinding applications for brake disc parts. These problems forced them to increase the Baca Selengkapnya
demin plant problem
Solusi IndustriPalm Oil

Demin Plant Equipment

Demin plant equipment in the palm oil industry refers to devices used to produce demineralized or pure water by removing mineral ions such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, and other ions from Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Boiler di Industri Panas Bumi
Solusi IndustriGeothermal


Boilers in the geothermal power generation industry are an additional component to generate electricity. Some of the problems that are often found and recommended solutions are as follows. 1. Problem: pH Baca Selengkapnya
Solusi Industri

Cracked Concrete Floors

Neatness, cleanliness, and safety are three essential aspects to consider in the power generation industry. One of the crucial elements is the condition of the concrete floors. Typically, the concrete floors Baca Selengkapnya
01. Mengurangi resiko terjadinya flashover pada isolator tegangan tinggi
Solusi Industri

Flashover on High Voltage Insulators

Some problems and questions related to high voltage substations or transmissions are: How can we protect insulators from water seepage in areas with high rainfall? Are there products that can prevent Baca Selengkapnya
01. Permasalahan Coolant pada Proses Roll Grinding, ini Solusinya
Solusi Industri

Coolant for Roll Grinding

The roll grinding process in the steel industry is performed to recondition work rolls or backup rolls according to specified requirements. This process requires a coolant that functions as both a Baca Selengkapnya
Solusi Industri

Scale Control Boiler System

Maximizing feedwater quality monitoring to prevent scale Scale can lead to decreased boiler efficiency, and without an appropriate scale control solution, it can cause pipe failure due to overheating. The impact Baca Selengkapnya
RO Membran Filter
Solusi IndustriBeverage

RO Membran Filter

The Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane filter in the beverage industry is a filtration system used to purify water by removing dissolved contaminants, particles, and microorganisms. This process involves the use of Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Power Window Assembly
Solusi IndustriAutomotive

Power Window Assembly

The power window assembly is the process of assembling an automatic window system that allows control of the window glass up and down with the touch of a button. This process Baca Selengkapnya