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Problem Breaking Assembly
Solusi IndustriAutomotive

Breaking Assembly

Breaking assembly in the automotive industry is the process of assembling the braking system to ensure that a vehicle can stop safely and effectively. This includes the installation of brake discs, brake calipers, brake pads, and the hydraulic system that ...Baca Selengkapnya
03. Problem Batu Gerinda Boros & Solusinya-Finish Sunting
Solusi Industri

Grinding Wheel Wear

Grinding wheels are used in th e grinding process, which involves cutting hard materials to achieve a good super finish, high accuracy, and precision. Grinding wheels that are used continuously will experience wear and changes in shape. Therefore, a dressing ...Baca Selengkapnya
01. Problem Seal Disk Mesin Capping & Solusinya-Artikel
Solusi Industri

Deposit on Seal Disc

This is the filling machine used to fill mineral water into cups. The process runs automatically using a heating sealing method up to 210°C. This machine has a seal disc made of round brass for pressing the cup with ...Baca Selengkapnya
12. Solusi untuk menurunkan biaya limbah coolant
Solusi Industri

Tools for Tackling Tramp Oil

Tramp oil originates from leaking CNC machines and mixes with coolant, becoming a contaminant. There are three types of tramp oil: (1) Free tramp oil, which floats on the surface of the coolant; (2) Dispersed tramp oil, which is dispersed ...Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Foaming pada Crude Oil dan Solusinya 1 (1)
Solusi Industri

Foaming in Crude Oil

The primary goal of the oil & gas industry is to produce as much crude oil as possible and as quickly as possible with the available facilities in the field. Despite meticulous planning and support from reliable production facilities, problems ...Baca Selengkapnya
04.Girth Gear Grease yang Efektif Mengatasi Keretakannchemicals.com
Solusi Industri

Cracked Girth Gear

The use of girth gears is commonly found in the mining, cement, mineral, and other industries. Frequent use of grease with an asphaltic base often results in a lot of dirt, causing the grease to dry out and accumulate. This ...Baca Selengkapnya
01. Menurunkan Biaya Produksi Pada Industri Velg
Solusi Industri

Wheel Production

One of the points that caught our attention during our visit to the wheel factory was the high cost of purchasing coolant. Several causes were identified that led to high coolant usage, including: Using emulsion coolant (high oil content), resulting ...Baca Selengkapnya
Problem conveyor dan solusinya
Solusi IndustriMineral Mining


A conveyor is a mechanical system used to continuously move goods from one location to another using belts, chains, or other devices as the transport medium. Conveyors are widely used in various industries to automate the process of moving goods ...Baca Selengkapnya
Packaging Desiccated Coconut
Solusi IndustriFood

Packaging | Desiccated Coconut

The packaging process for desiccated coconut aims to protect and maintain the quality of the product. Desiccated coconut is packed in various types of safe packaging. The packaging also plays an important role in preserving the freshness of the product ...Baca Selengkapnya
Solusi IndustriCement

Quarrying Limestone

Quarrying limestone for the cement industry involves the process of extracting limestone from open-pit mines (quarries). This process begins with drilling and blasting to break large rocks into smaller sizes. The crushed limestone is then transported using trucks or ...Baca Selengkapnya
03. Pembersihan Unit yang Aman dan Efisien
Solusi Industri

Cleaning Units

Generally, mining companies use standard degreasers to clean their units. The primary consideration for choosing these commonly available degreasers is usually their low cost. However, their use often results in long-term losses. Solution The selection of degreasers should take ...Baca Selengkapnya
03. Problem Lantai Workshop Rapuh & Solusinya-Finish Sunting
Solusi Industri

Fragile Workshop Floor

During heavy equipment maintenance in the workshop, oil and work tools frequently fall onto the floor. Over time, the floor becomes fragile and damaged. Repairs are necessary. However, if the conditions remain the same, similar damage will continue to occur ...Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Ship Maintenance dan Solusi EON
Solusi IndustriMaritime

Ship Maintenance

Ship maintenance is a crucial process involving routine inspections, repairs, and component replacements to ensure that the vessel operates safely and efficiently. Ship maintenance is key to avoiding costly downtime and ensuring the continuous operation of the ship. One of ...Baca Selengkapnya
Problem dan solusi Kapal Tanker
Solusi IndustriMaritime

Tanker Ship

A type of ship specifically designed to transport liquids or liquid-shaped cargo, such as oil, fuel, gas, and chemicals in large quantities. Equipped with storage tanks and advanced loading and unloading systems to ensure the cargo can be transported ...Baca Selengkapnya
01. Problem Pipa Berkarat Saat Penyimpanan & Solusinya
Solusi Industri

Rusty Pipes During Storage

The presence of rust lowers the quality grade of pipes, making it a serious concern for pipe manufacturers. This issue is exacerbated when storage occurs in open areas for extended periods. Weather conditions, heat, rain, and air content can cause ...Baca Selengkapnya
UHT 6T coconut milk
Solusi IndustriFood

UHT 6T | Coconut Milk

Ultra High Temperature (UHT) 6T in this context refers to the process of heating coconut milk to a very high temperature (usually around 135-150 degrees Celsius) to kill existing microorganisms. This process aims to extend the product's shelf ...Baca Selengkapnya
7. Recycling coolant di industri disc break
Solusi Industri

Recycling Coolant

Recycling coolant using this simple method is highly economical and easy to implement. Successful recycling can significantly reduce the costs associated with using coolant/metalworking fluids. This program is one of Eonchemicals' technical services designed to ensure customer satisfaction. The ...Baca Selengkapnya
03. Penanganan Reklamasi dengan Menggunakan Tackifier
Solusi Industri


Reclamation is a mandatory requirement for mining companies aimed at restoring the function of land that has been mined, whether on flat land or mining slopes. However, on mining slopes, difficulties often arise because seeds and fertilizers can be washed ...Baca Selengkapnya
Bermacam problem Cleaning, ini Solusinya 3
Solusi Industri

Cleaning Rollshop & Maintenance Division

Cleaning chemicals are widely used in the rollshop and maintenance divisions. They are generally used to clean grease and oil during scheduled maintenance. Common problems encountered with the use of cleaning chemicals or cleaners for cleaning parts in these two ...Baca Selengkapnya
02. Problem Cleaning Spare Part dan Solusinya-Finish Sunting
Solusi Industri

Cleaning Spare Parts

One of the maintenance activities in the mining industry is the process of cleaning spare parts. Common issues in this process include unsatisfactory cleaning results, excessive foam production, and prolonged cleaning times. These problems can be caused by: Inappropriate selection ...Baca Selengkapnya
04. Korosi pada Rim
Solusi Industri

Corrosion on Rims

The condition of the rims or wheels of a heavy-duty (HD) truck in the mining industry plays a very crucial role. This is because the core of the production process for coal, gold, nickel, or other minerals is the ...Baca Selengkapnya
holding tank coconut milk
Solusi IndustriFood

Holding Tank | Coconut Milk

A holding tank for coconut milk in the food industry functions as a storage container designed to maintain the quality and freshness of the coconut milk before further processing or packaging. This container is typically made of corrosion-resistant materials ...Baca Selengkapnya
problem grinding process dan solusinya
Solusi IndustriCement

Grinding Process

The grinding process in the cement industry is a critical stage in cement production that involves crushing cooled clinker with the addition of gypsum and other supplementary materials, such as fly ash or slag, to produce fine cement. The grinding ...Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Boiler di Industri Panas Bumi
Solusi IndustriGeothermal


Boilers in the geothermal power generation industry are an additional component to generate electricity. Some of the problems that are often found and recommended solutions are as follows. 1. Problem: pH Stabilization Issues Maintaining the pH stability of a boiler ...Baca Selengkapnya