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Water Treatment Plant (WTP)

Water Treatment Plant (WTP)


Water treatment plants (WTP) in the geothermal power generation industry play an important role in the treatment of water used for the power generation process. Water used to produce steam, cool the system, and maintain equipment efficiency must be properly processed so as not to damage equipment and reduce performance.

Water treatment plant problems that are often encountered and their solutions can be read in the following explanation.

1. Problem: Water Turbidity (Suspended Solids)

The Water Treatment Plant (WTP) must be able to produce water quality that meets industrial needs. Water turbidity that exceeds the threshold must be properly addressed to ensure clarity and compliance with specified standards. Failure to meet these requirements can disrupt industrial operations, potentially causing significant lossesa.

Solution: EonTreat CL 2019, EonTreat FL 2077 & EonAlkalox 2014

Features and Benefits of EonTreat CL 2019
  • EonTreat CL 2019 is a water clarifier chemical of the coagulant type.
  • It works by binding particles in the water and causing them to settle at the bottom.
  • Effective in producing clear water.
  • Functions well even under challenging field conditions.
  • The resulting water has low oil content and turbidity.
  • Suitable for various industrial applications requiring clear and clean water.
  • Ensures optimal performance of industrial water systems.
  • Reduces maintenance costs.
  • Enhances overall system efficiency.
Features and Benefits of EonTreat FL 2077
  • EonTreat FL 2077 is a flocculant-type water clarifier.
  • Enhances the performance of the coagulant used, resulting in better clarity.
  • Effective in producing clear water under field conditions.
  • The produced water has increasingly lower oil content and turbidity.
Features and Benefits of EonAlkalox 2014
  • Controls pH and alkalinity in water treatment.
  • Prevents corrosion issues caused by low pH.
  • Works very effectively under various conditions.
  • Does not leave harmful residues in boiler systems.
  • Effective for use in low, medium, or high-pressure boilers.
  • Does not interfere with the use of other chemicals
Application Method

For recommendations, information, dosage, and application methods for these three chemicals, please contact our experts via WhatsApp.

2. Problem: Decline in Reverse Osmosis Performance

A decline in reverse osmosis (RO) system performance is caused by fouling (solid particle buildup), scaling (mineral deposits), biofouling (microorganism growth), chemical attacks, and oxidation that damage membranes.

Membrane clogging and operational conditions beyond design limits also contribute to this issue.


To address the decline in reverse osmosis performance, several products are required:

  • EonTreat CL 2019
  • EonTreat FL 2077
  • EonAlkalox 2014
  • EonBac BC 3108
  • EonOxy W 8812
  • EonScalant B 5222
  • EonRom 200
  • EonRom 3000
Features and Benefits of EonTreat CL 2019
  • A water clarifier chemical of the coagulant type.
  • Works by binding particles in the water and causing them to settle at the bottom.
  • The resulting water has low oil content and turbidity.
  • Suitable for various industrial applications requiring clear and clean water.
  • Ensures optimal performance of industrial water systems
Features and Benefits of EonTreat FL 2077
  • A flocculant-type water clarifier.
  • Enhances the effectiveness of existing coagulants.
  • Produces water quality with increasingly lower turbidity and oil content.
Features and Benefits of EonAlkalox 2014
  • Controls pH and alkalinity.
  • Prevents corrosion issues caused by low pH.
  • Works very effectively under various conditions.
  • Does not interfere with the use of other chemicals.
Features and Benefits of EonBac BC 3108
  • EonBac BC 3108 is a chlorine-based chemical that removes microorganisms from reverse osmosis feed water.
  • Prevents clogging and maintains optimal performance of reverse osmosis membranes.
  • Prevents fouling formation.
  • Effective against aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (especially SRB), as well as algae.
Features and Benefits of EonOxy W 8812
  • EonOxy W 8812 functions as a dechlorination agent in water due to the use of chlorine-type biocide treatments in water processing.
  • Helps maintain free chlorine levels in water within required limits.
Features and Benefits of EonScalant B 5222
  • Prevents deposit formation on membranes, which can reduce the quality of produced water.
  • Increases the solubility of hardness in water, allowing it to be discharged through the reject line, reducing clogging risk
Features and Benefits of EonRom 200
  • An alkaline cleaner used for cleaning reverse osmosis membranes.
  • Capable of cleaning reverse osmosis membranes contaminated by organic content.
  • Prevents performance decline due to organic contamination.
  • Ensures cleaner and higher-quality water production.
  • Maintains the operational efficiency of the reverse osmosis system
Features and Benefits of EonRom 3000
  • An acid cleaner used for cleaning reverse osmosis membranes.
  • Capable of cleaning reverse osmosis membranes contaminated by inorganic content.
  • Prevents performance decline due to inorganic contamination.
  • Ensures cleaner and higher-quality water production and maintains the operational efficiency of the reverse osmosis system

| Read generator problems and solutions from Eonchemicals

Application Method

For a free consultation to get recommendations and the appropriate application method according to your needs, please contact our experts via WhatsApp.

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