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Reverse Osmosis Equipment

Reverse Osmosis Equipment


Reverse Osmosis (RO) in the palm oil industry is a crucial system for purifying water used in the production process. This system is capable of removing most contaminants, including salts and other dissolved substances, resulting in clean water that meets the standards required for various stages of palm oil production. Here are common RO problems and comprehensive solutions from Eonchemicals.

Frequently encountered reverse osmosis problems in the palm oil industry and comprehensive solutions from Eonchemicals are as follows.

Problem: Decline in RO Performance

The main causes of performance decline in reverse osmosis (RO) systems are fouling (accumulation of solid particles), scaling (mineral deposits), biofouling (microorganism growth), and oxidation that damages the membrane. Factors such as membrane clogging and operational conditions beyond design limits also exacerbate this issue.

Solution 1: EonBac BC 3108

EonBac BC 3108 is a chlorine-based chemical designed to eliminate microorganisms in the feed water of reverse osmosis systems. This chemical functions to prevent blockages and maintain the optimal performance of reverse osmosis membranes. Additionally, EonBac BC 3108 prevents fouling formation and is effective against both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (especially Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria or SRB), as well as algae

Solution 2: EonOxy W 8812

EonOxy W 8812 serves as a dechlorination agent for water that has undergone chlorine-type biocide treatment in the water treatment process. This product helps remove excess chlorine from the water, thereby reducing the potential negative effects of chlorine on the environment and further treatment systems.

Furthermore, EonOxy W 8812 helps maintain free chlorine levels in the water within the required threshold, ensuring that the treated water remains safe and meets the desired quality standards.

Solution 3: EonScalant B 5222

EonScalant B 5222 is an anti-fouling agent for RO, an effective chemical for preventing fouling on reverse osmosis membranes. It addresses common issues in reverse osmosis systems, such as membrane fouling caused by organic or inorganic content in the water.

Preventing fouling on reverse osmosis membranes not only maintains overall system performance but also maximizes membrane lifespan. By keeping the membranes clean, the reverse osmosis system can operate with optimal efficiency, producing cleaner and higher quality water..

Solution 4: EonRom 200

EonRom 200 is a reverse osmosis membrane cleaner for organics, a chemical cleaner specifically designed for polyamide membranes, particularly for tackling organic contaminants. Most reverse osmosis systems that experience performance decline are due to contaminated and dirty membranes.

Dirty membranes result in reduced water processing capacity, deteriorated water quality, and ultimately, the membranes need to be replaced sooner than expected. Regular membrane cleaning with EonRom 200 can extend membrane life, ensuring the reverse osmosis system operates at optimal efficiency.

It is effective in cleaning organic contaminants such as biofilm and organic deposits without causing ionic fouling or damaging the membrane. This product is also biodegradable and safe to use.

Solution 5: EonRom 3000

EonRom 3000 is a reverse osmosis membrane cleaner for inorganics, a chemical cleaner for polyamide membranes, specifically for inorganic contaminants. These contaminants often cause a decline in reverse osmosis system performance, reducing the quantity and quality of the clean water produced. Regular membrane cleaning with EonRom 3000 will extend membrane life and maintain system efficiency.

EonRom 3000 is effective in cleaning inorganic contaminants such as metal oxides, metal hydroxides, and calcium carbonate scale. This product is safe for use on polyamide membranes as it does not cause ionic fouling and does not damage the membrane..

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Additionally, this solution uses materials that are more than 80% biodegradable within less than 21 days, making it safe to use. This product is designed to ensure effective cleaning without harming the environment or water treatment systems.

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