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Damaged Insulation Cover


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Cover insulasi memiliki fungsi utama untuk melindungi material insulasi dan equipment dari kerusakan fisik akibat paparan air dari lingkungan. Umumnya cover insulasi yang digunakan berbahan aluminium atau stainless steel. Di lapangan beberapa fakktor yang menyebabkan kerusakan isolasi, diantaranya :

  1. Mechanical factors
  2. Corrosive environmental factors

If left unchecked, the latter factor can lead to serious damage to the insulation cover, specifically pitting corrosion, which results in the formation of small, deep holes.


If left unchecked, the latter factor can lead to serious damage to the insulation cover, specifically pitting corrosion, which results in the formation of small, deep holes.

  1. EonBright 334 is specially formulated for aluminum material
  2. EonBright 353 is specially formulated for stainless steel material
Success Story

A geothermal power plant in West Java experienced a problem with pollutant buildup on the insulation cover of their pipes, which could lead to:

  1. Rusaknya cover insulasi
  2. Jika insulasi rusak, temperatur steam yang dialirkan lewat pipa menuju turbin akan menurun

To address the above issues, we recommended EonBright 334 because the insulation cover was made of aluminum. The procedure is as follows:

  • Rinse the pipe insulation cover with water first
  • Prepare a solution of EonBright 334 with water (1:1 ratio)
  • Spray the solution onto the area to be cleaned, wait a few moments for the chemical to react (at least 30 seconds)
  • Brush the insulation surface as an additional mechanical action to maximize cleaning
  • Rinse with running water

For consultation and further information, please contact us.

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