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EON Distributes 1950 Liters of Hand Sanitizer and Disinfectant to Several Hospitals in Bekasi
As a tangible demonstration of EON's concern for the COVID-19 pandemic, together with several other tenants in the Jababeka Industrial Area, PT. Eonchemicals Putra has provided COVID-19 relief assistance to several hospitals and local government institutions (Pemda ...Baca Selengkapnya

Create a Greener Future: Eonchemicals Participated in Planting 50,000 Mangrove Seedlings at Jababeka Ecoweek 2024
PT Jababeka Infrastruktur hosted the Jababeka Ecoweek Ceremonial on Thursday, August 15, 2024. This mangrove planting event marks the sixth annual agenda since its inception in 2018. Baca SelengkapnyaBaca Selengkapnya

Eonchemicals Supports TPOMI Event for the Advancement of Palm Oil Industry Technology
On July 18-19, 2024, Media Perkebunan, in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Plantation Professionals (P3PI), held their second annual conference and exhibition. The event was named the 2nd Technology and Talent Palm Oil Mill Indonesia (TPOMI). Baca SelengkapnyaBaca Selengkapnya

Eonchemicals Participates in the Successful APKPI 2024 Seminar and National Conference III Held in Bogor
The Indonesian Mining Safety Professional Association (APKPI) successfully organized the APKPI 2024 Seminar and National Conference III. The event took place over two days, on June 28-29, at the IPB International Convention Center, Botani Square, Bogor. Eonchemicals, along with ...Baca Selengkapnya

Not Just a Physical Activity, MovEON Becomes a Step Towards a Better Lifestyle
The program is named MovEON—a initiative designed to promote an active lifestyle through running and walking activities. By integrating with the Strava app, participants are encouraged to log every activity, whether it be running or walking. Every employee who ...Baca Selengkapnya

Online Health Talk – Surge in Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) Cases: A Health Threat Amid Worsening Air Pollution
The decline in air quality and the increase in air pollution have led to a rise in ARI cases among the community. The public is advised to adhere to health protocols such as wearing masks when going outside, avoiding sources ...Baca Selengkapnya

Channeling Aid for Cianjur Earthquake, Eonchemicals Collaborates with BenihBaik.com
At the end of November 2022, an earthquake struck the Cianjur region, resulting in numerous injuries, fatalities, and damage to buildings in the area. Eonchemicals Putra participated in providing material support through the Aid Package Program in collaboration with BenihBaik ...Baca Selengkapnya

Strengthening the Sense of Togetherness at the EON Sales Conference 2023
After three years of navigating the pandemic, Eonchemicals Putra held the Sales Conference 2023 at the end of February, hosted at Hotel Episode Gading Serpong. The event spanned three days and two nights, from February 23 to 25, 2023. Attended ...Baca Selengkapnya

Under the Theme “2023 and Beyond,” Eonchemicals Optimistic About Welcoming the Upcoming Year
PT Eonchemicals Putra recently held its 2022 Leadership Meeting at Episode Hotel, Gading Serpong. This annual event is organized to discuss the strategies that will be implemented in the following year. The leadership meeting was led by the CEO of ...Baca Selengkapnya

Eonchemicals Participated in PERTAABI Seminar & Business Talkshow in Balikpapan
In line with the spirit of Heroes' Day, the Indonesian Heavy Equipment Experts Association (PERTAABI) held a Seminar & Business Talk Show on November 10, 2022, in Balikpapan. "November 10 is Heroes' Day, a historical milestone in our nation's ...Baca Selengkapnya

Unboxing Radiator Coolant at EON Factory
The cooling system is a crucial component in mining units and requires coolant as a heat transfer medium. In addition to absorbing heat and releasing it in the radiator, the coolant fluid must be able to protect the cooling system ...Baca Selengkapnya

Virtual Halal Bihalal of the Eonchemicals Family
PT Eonchemicals Putra held a virtual Halal Bihalal for Eid al-Fitr 1443 H on May 17th. The event aimed to strengthen the bonds of camaraderie among the management and all employees of Eonchemicals Putra spread across Indonesia. The event ...Baca Selengkapnya

[Sharing Session] Secrets to Staying Fit and Healthy While Fasting
Fasting is not an excuse to be lazy and unproductive as usual. Feeling weak during the day is normal, but it can be managed if the food we consume at dawn meets our caloric needs. In an internal talk show ...Baca Selengkapnya

Leadership Meeting 2022
For over two years, the CO VID-19 pandemic has affected our sense of togetherness. The Leadership Meeting 2022 was held as the beginning of the process of reconnecting more closely with employees and customers. With the motto "Close To ...Baca Selengkapnya

EON Show 2021
In the past, we were familiar with terms like sales meetings, regional meetings, and family gatherings. But now, those terms sound so foreign. However, there's no need to worry; just join Zoom by clicking the link. Because we can ...Baca Selengkapnya

[Sharing Session] Tips for Managing Stress While Working From Home
It has been almost two years since Covid-19 hit Indonesia, and since then, many employees have been working from home (WFH). During this period, it is not uncommon for some people to be vulnerable to stress. On the other ...Baca Selengkapnya

EON Virtual Iftar Event 2021
One of EON's communal events, which has now transitioned to a virtual format, has not dampened the enthusiasm of employees to participate in the virtual iftar gathering. This well-rounded event not only offers beneficial spiritual enrichment but also ...Baca Selengkapnya